Overcoming bad work habits

By Author: ROGi Supers

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Celebrating a New Year often means another resolution list. If you are like most people at this time, you have reviewed areas in your lifestyle that need a change. You might vow to lose weight, stop smoking, learn a new hobby, or be more successful at your job. Are you satisfied with how things are going in your workplace? Maybe there are some poor work habits that you want to break. Here are some common bad habits on the job, and how to change them for good:

Bad Habit #1: Being Late For Everything

One of the most valuable assets you can provide to your job is punctuality. Are you chronically a few minutes late in the mornings, or do you keep others waiting for you to show up for important meetings? This bad habit can not only affect your paycheck, but may even cost your job. When you are late for meetings and miss crucial deadlines, it affects everyone in the company. Soon, you lose credibility with coworkers and supervisors. 


If you are a procrastinator, give yourself extra time for everything. Set your alarm at least a half an hour earlier to allow for unexpected delays. Lay out your clothes and pack your briefcase in the evenings. Get everything ready for your children, such as outfits, lunch money, and homework. With preparation, you may even get to work a few minutes early!

Set reminders on your computer or smartphone about important meetings and project deadlines. If you set a personal deadline a couple of days before the actual one, it will be easier to finish your projects on time. Prioritize your tasks and jobsite communication. Make a habit of getting things done before they are due.

Bad Habit #2: Not Communicating

Even in an age when information can be sent and retrieved in seconds, people still need work communication. Have you ever seen work projects and other crucial tasks suffer because there was a failure in communication? Miscommunication creates a domino effect that makes everyone’s job more difficult. If you neglect to send an email, make a phone call, or talk to a coworker or supervisor, your broken link can cause a lot of problems.


Have an “open door policy” for work communication. Keep a list of important contacts, and communicate with them during all stages of a project. Clarify all dates, times, and details, so there are no misunderstandings. Be a good listener and take copious notes from everyone on your team. Jobsite communication is a crucial part of a company’s success.

Bad Habit #3: Improper Humor

No one expects you to be a stoic robot. Most jobs require people who are friendly, out-going, and have a great sense of humor. These are things that help you relate to customers and fellow employees; however, it is possible to take things too far. You can hurt feelings, alienate people, and incur legal problems with overboard familiarity or improper humor.


Remember the three subjects that you should avoid in polite conversation: religion, politics, and sex. No matter how innocent your comment may seem about one of these, it is too easy to offend or take offense. Keep your conversation clean, and clear of controversial subjects. Treat everyone with respect and always observe personal space. You can still be witty without being offensive.

Bad Habit #4: Being Negative

To whom are your bosses, coworkers, and potential clients drawn? If one of them is not you, then you may need to assess your work habits and communication style. When coworkers offer suggestions for winning bids, are you the first to be a nay-sayer? Listen to your conversation, and see how many times you say “can’t,” “won’t,” “never,” and other negative words. If you are perceived as a negative person, your coworkers may team up with someone else—or worse—your clients may go to another company.


If you must say something negative, learn how to say it with a positive tone. For example, instead of saying, “That idea will never work!”, say something like, “That’s something we could consider. What do you think of this other plan….” Be sincere in your compliments, and build up others. Being positive does not mean lying or telling people what they want to hear. Just be tactful and honest. Everyone will respect you for that—including your clients.

Bad Habit #5: Unbalanced Work and Home Life

A healthy lifestyle includes taking care of ourselves, and finding the right balance between work and home. These delicate scales are easily tipped to one side. Have people called you a “workaholic”? Do you miss birthday parties, ballgames, holidays, and other important events in your family’s lives? Maybe you are on the opposite end of the spectrum, where you are constantly leaving work for yet another “family” emergency. How can you find a balance?


Everyone has unexpected emergencies occasionally—but they should not be all the time. A carefully-planned calendar that includes family and work obligations will keep you on track. When you are at work, focus all your energy on the projects at hand. At home, concentrate on caring for your family and having fun with them. Although there may be times that you must bring some work home with you, save it until after you have some family time. When you keep a balanced lifestyle, your family and job can flourish.

Turning bad habits at work into good ones takes a little time. With determination and practice, you can work more efficiently. If you own the company, changing your work habits may inspire your employees to make changes. A positive workforce is a crucial element for winning bids for lucrative contracts.

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